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Measures liquid penetration dynamically, using an ultrasound transmission technique

An innovative method for studying the composition of paper and other materials, liquids and the dynamics of their interactions. Highly accurate, with data points at a millisecond resolution. Methods for the process relevant evaluation of paper characteristics for the paper and printing industry

  • dynamics of the behaviour in comparison with water
  • dynamics of the capillary adbsorption
  • dynamics of expansion ans shrinkage
  • evaluation of the sizing of a paper

Application areas

  • research, development and training
  • quality assurance and control
  • objective examination of complaints
  • evaluation of reference quotations at purchase

Measuring Principle
Ultrasonic – Transmission Measurement
The ultrasonic transmitter and the ultrasonic receiver are arranged in a measuring cell so that the sample to be checked is penetrated directly by the sound waves. An ultrasonic wave of constant frequency and intensity is created and then measured in milliseconds as a transmission-time-diagram.

An ultrasonic wave requires a transmission medium, the transmission through which the sound wave sustains a constant dampening. If the medium changes then the sound intensity also changes.

During the test the material sample is fixed in a sample holder and is in contact with the examining liquid. The dynamics of the interaction between the examining liquid and the test sample characterises the fibre absorption and capillary absorption. Sample holders for different applications are available. The properties on the front and back of the sample can be measured independently of each other. The changing of the dimension (dynamic of the wet expansion) can be measured.

Methods – applications
Assessment of the characteristics
of the printing process and its sidedness (front side and back side) of a printing substrate. The behaviour in comparison to water, dampener additives and solvents; capillary absorption in relation to colour absorption and colour drying; the dynamics of expansion and shrinkage with changing climate and moisture

Interpreter, sizing – for the assessment of the degree of sizing of paper and characterisation of the surface sizing and internal sizing based on the basis curve. The dynamics of the wetting phase of the paper surface; capillary absroption; dynamics of the fibre absorption

Coating papers / coating base papers – examination against various liquids; examination of water absorption of base papers consisting of coating colour

Decor papers and laminating papers – impregnating resin absorption and testing

Label papers – all preliminary and intermediate stages for label papers, analysis of printed labels, verification of embossing, alkaline penetration, detachment with caustic soda lye up to 90°C.

Further examination of special papers, felts cigarette papers, filter papers etc.

Measuring frequency – 1 and 2 MHz – standard Measuring area – circle – 10, 20 and 35 mm
Measuring area – ring – 10-20 mm / 20-35 mm Measuring range – absolute in dB
Measuring duration – unlimited Measuring beginning – approx 8 ms
Test liquid – distilled water (standard test liquid – other liquids, solvents, printing inks, coating colours are also applicable) Power supply 230V AC ± 10%, 50 Hz / 110V AC ± 10%, 60 Hz
Software – emcoDPM33 and emcoDPR Viewer PC interface – serial/RS232
Automatic measuring process with two frequencies and up to four tasks simultaneously

Accessories for special applications

  • heatable measuring cell – up to 90 °C
  • cell insert for special test liquids
  • sample holder for different applications
  • special cell insert for coating colours
  • measuring of the side (edge) penetration
  • dynamic expansion module emcoDDPM for the simultaneous determination of the wet expansion
  • emcoDPM Interpreter – sizing for the determination of the sizing of paper

For further information, please contact our sales team on 01223 492081 or via

Dynamic Penetration Tester