IGT Heliotest Ink
To perform the Helio test in combination with an IGT printability tester
Test kits available for AIC2-5T2000, AIC2-5, Amsterdam and GST2.
The printability of paper in gravure printing depends on several properties of the paper. This includes, the condition of the surface,n dynamic compressibility, wet-ability and porosity. Measurement of only one of these physical characteristics does not enable predictions about printability.
The Helio test, which integrates all these parameters and is used for forecasting printability, even with papers of similar properties. Can be used on all grades of gravure printing paper.
Shelf stock time Approx 6 months
Open time Approx 6 months
For further information, please contact our sales team on 01223 492081 or via salespt@tendringphysicaltesting.com

IGT Testing Systems
Printability testing equipment and tack testing instruments for the worldwide paper industry, printing industry, graphical arts, plastics, paints, inks and coatings industry.