X-Rite eXact Spectrodensitometer
Hand held, portable Color Spectrodensitometer
The X-Rite eXact™ Spectrodensitometer is portable, hand held and offers “BestMatch”, Densitometry, Colorimetry – CIE Lab, CIE LCh, dE Trend, CIE XYZ & Yxy, Paper indices, Metamerism, Absolute & Relative Color Strength, Opacity, Printing Plate, Reflection Graph & Quality.
Exceptional functionality yet simple to use. Measuring the Color Network from Ink Kitchen to Pressroom.
Completely Customisable
Can be set up to position key elements in the order most likely to be needed by individual users, including press operators and operations managers, giving users instant access to the tools they need, often in a single click, via a color GUI. This improves operator productivity, removes opportunity for human error, and results in increased color accuracy.
With eXact’s BestMatch function, press operators can more easily keep ink colors on target even before color shifts are visible. From a single click, operators can see density information as well as recommendations for adjustment of ink to achieve the best match throughout the press run. Integration of multiple Pantone libraries offers an easy way to accurately measure spot colors.
Fast and Easy
Use eXact to quickly measure and understand color and status relative to standards, allowing operators to manage and understand expectations at press, and know what is—and what is not—achievable. With a integrated calibration tile built in, operators can ensure optimum measurement accuracy at all time.
Integrated Across the Color Network
Provides necessary tools to aid in achieving color. When used with NetProfiler 3, eXact can manage and monitor color performance on an enterprise level.
Multiple Printing Technologies. Combined with X-Rite’s Color iQC Print, InkFormulation and PantoneLIVE™, eXact enables the validation and management of specified color across a variety of printing technologies and substrates.
A Single Platform Positioned for Growth
- X-Rite eXact Densitometer – for CMYK operations that want a set of traditional tools and the option to add more features as their requirements change.
- X-Rite eXact Standard – a spectrophotometer that ensures accurate printing of both CMYK and spot colors as well as leveraging industry standard for process control.
- X-Rite eXact Advanced – a spectrophotometer that ensures ink labs, quality control labs and manufacturing partners who must achieve the highest quality with the broadest toolset.
- Aperture sizes to meet all applications: With a choice of 4 different aperture sizes (1.5, 2, 4 or 6 mm) operations can measure across a range of application in print and packaging.
- Enhance your business operations with: Scanning, Bluetooth*, NetProfiler3 and InkFormulation.
For further information, please contact our sales team on 01223 492081 or via sales@tendringphysicaltesting.com