On Site Service Tours
For Service & Calibration and Minor Repairs
Through each year, we organise a number of on-site service tours for Rycobel, and IGT engineers. This is a vital way for many busy customers to have their equipment serviced and calibrated annually, with minimal disruption to their testing schedule.
For our PTS and Avatron customers, who have the equipment permanently installed on site, it is the only way to keep the units within specification.
The work is carried out by service engineers who have been trained and certified by the manufacturers.
Planning and Booking an On Site Service Visit
We make every effort to organise the site tours at the same time each year. For customers with strict internal audits, we understand that it is essential for the units to be calibrated every 12 months.
2-3 months prior to the tour date, we invite customers to book an engineer site visit during the specified tour week. For those that do, we ask for details and serial numbers of the equipment to be serviced, along with any additional information it would be helpful for the engineer to be aware of in advance.
Minor repairs and malfunctions can sometimes be attended to during the visit, if mentioned in advance. However, significant malfunctions usually require the instrument to be returned to base.
Get your purchase order in early to avoid disappointment
When you express an interest in taking part, we send a quote and your place is guaranteed as soon as we receive your Purchase Order.
The paperwork has to be completed at least three weeks pior to the start of the tour, so that the manufacturer has sufficient time to arrange travel for the engineer and plan the most effective logistics.
For further help or to book a place on a service tour, please contact us on 01223 492081, or via sales@tendringphysicaltesting.com