Taber Model 350 Wheel Refacer
For resurfacing Taber abrading wheels
The Taber Model 350 Wheel Refacer refreshes and standardises the contact surfaces of Taber Calibrade® wheels when they become clogged with debris.
Intended for use with H-10, H-18, H-22 and H-38 abrading wheels, the instrument can also be used to correct ‘out of round’ wheels and ‘crowning’ conditions on both Calibrase® and Calibrade® wheels.
The refacing diamond tool is mounted in an adjustable holder. Abrading wheels are secured to an arbor. The aluminum housing prevents chatter from the motor during operation. Attaching the Taber Abraser Vacuum Unit hose to the rear draws off the abrasive cuttings.
Optional accessory: Multiple point diamond tool for use with H-38 wheels.
Fully enclosed tempered glass viewing window | Fine pitch radial depth adjustment |
Safety interlock cover with motor brake feature | Good access to work area |
One piece wheel mounting spindle | Retaining nut includes integrated washer |
Balanced hand crank with revolving handle | Shielded traverse slide |
Independent adjustment of diamond tool orientation | Tool storage |
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01223 492081

Taber – Rycobel
A global leader in the design and manufacture of high quality, affordable test instruments. Used to evaluate the physical properties of materials, particulalry in the test of the durability of their products.
Best known for their expertise in bending resistance and stiffness, abrasion, surface wear, scratch, mar and scuff damage.